snář co znamená sníh| Symbolika Snu

  • Date: 16 srpna, 2024
  • Čas K Přečtení: 3 min.

Snář, co znamená sníh, je český symbolický systém, který byl vyvinut ve středověku. Umožňuje interpretovat různé obrazy a symboly ve snu. Tento systém je podobný jiným symbolickým systémům, jako je například tarot a astrologie. Snář je významnou součástí české kultury a věří se, že může odhalit informace o budoucnosti, a dokonce i odhalit ukryté spojení mezi různými událostmi.

What is Snář in Czech language?

Snář is an ancient Czech dream interpretation book, written in the 18th century by the Czech writer and poet Václav Machek. It is based on the interpretation of dreams in Jewish and Greek tradition. The book was written in the Czech language and contains more than 1000 meanings for different dream symbols.

Symbolism of Snow in Snář

According to Snář, snow is a symbol of purity, innocence and joy. It is a sign of a peaceful and harmonious life. Snow can also represent a difficult time in one’s life, as it can be a sign of a cold and indifferent attitude from others, or a lack of emotional support.

In the spiritual sense, snow is a sign of spiritual purification and renewal. It can signify the end of one’s old life and a new beginning. It is also a sign of fertility, as it brings new life and growth to the land.

In the material sense, snow can be a sign of abundance and prosperity. In dreams, it can be a sign of future wealth or success. It can also be a sign of a safe and secure life, as snow can protect against cold and hostile environments.

Negative Symbolism of Snow in Snář

However, snow can also have a negative symbolism. In Snář, snow is a sign of sadness, pain and suffering. It can be a sign of a difficult life, as it can indicate a lack of warmth and comfort. It can also be a sign of a cold, indifferent attitude from others.

In the spiritual sense, snow can be a sign of spiritual stagnation or a lack of progress. It can signify a lack of spiritual growth and development.

In the material sense, snow can be a sign of poverty or hardship. It can be a sign of financial difficulties, or a lack of resources.

Dreams of snow can also be a sign of loneliness and isolation. It can be a sign of a feeling of being lost and disconnected from the world.


In conclusion, snow is a symbol with both positive and negative meanings in Snář. It can be a sign of purity, innocence and joy, as well as abundance and prosperity. However, it can also be a sign of sadness, pain and suffering, as well as loneliness and isolation.

Common Myths about Snář:

**Běžné mýty o Snáři**

1. Snář je přesné vykládání snů – To není pravda. Snář je spíše interpretační rámec, který slouží k porozumění symbolům, které se vyskytují ve snech.

2. Všichni sny jsou symbolické – Ne všechny sny jsou symbolické. Některé sny jsou jen přímou reprezentací skutečných událostí nebo emocí, které se vyskytují ve skutečném životě.

3. Snář musí být použit ke každému snu – To není nutné. Je to jen nástroj, který může být použit k porozumění snům, ale ne všechny sny vyžadují vykládání.

4. Symbolika snů je stejná pro všechny – To není pravda. Symbolika snů se může lišit podle osoby a jejího osobního života.

Často Kladené Otázky

What does snář mean in Czech language?

Snář is a kind of dream book in Czech language, which is used to interpret dreams and explain the symbolism behind them.

What is Symbolika Snu in Czech language?

Symbolika Snu is a book of dream interpretation written by Czech psychologist Sigmund Freud in 1895. It is a comprehensive guide to understanding and interpreting dreams from a psychological perspective.


Snář is an ancient dream interpretation book written in the 18th century by Václav Machek. It contains over 1,000 meanings for different dream symbols, including snow which is a sign of purity, innocence, joy, abundance, and prosperity, but also sadness, pain, suffering, loneliness, and isolation.

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