snář expřítel| Symbolika Snu

  • Date: 16 února, 2023
  • Čas K Přečtení: 3 min.

Snář expřítel je česká symbolika snu, která slouží jako průvodce pro interpretaci snů. Tato kniha, která byla vytvořena v roce 2002, se snaží představit lidem veškeré možnosti, jaké mohou vyvolat sny. Kromě toho, že se snaží vytvořit jednoduchý výklad snů, Snář expřítel má také nabídnout komplexní pohled na to, jak sny ovlivňují naše životy. Tato kniha se zaměřuje na to, aby lidem pomohla lépe porozumět jejich snům, a také jim poskytuje užitečné nástroje pro samo-reflexi. Navíc poskytuje rady, jak vyřešit problémy, které by mohly být ve snu viditelné, a ukazuje, jak může snová symbolika pomoci člověku pochopit jeho vnitřní svět.

What is Snář?

Snář is an ancient Czech dream book written by Catholic priest Václav Machek in the early 18th century. The word “Snář” is derived from the old Czech words for “night” (snář) and “dream” (růženec). It contains a collection of symbols and their interpretations that are thought to appear in dreams. It has been used for centuries in the Czech Republic as a way to interpret and understand dreams.

What is Symbolika Snu?

Symbolika Snu is a book written by Machek in the same time period as Snář. It is a more detailed exploration of the symbolism of dreams in the Czech language. The book explores the psychological and spiritual aspects of dreaming and the importance of understanding the symbolism of dreams.

What Does Expřítel Mean in Czech?

Expřítel is a Czech word for “friend” or “companion.” It is derived from the old Czech word for “companion” (přítel) and the prefix “ex-” (“former”). Expřítel can be used to refer to an individual or to a group of people.

Symbolism of Expřítel in Dreams

In Symbolika Snu, Machek explores the symbolism of expřítel in dreams. He suggests that expřítel in dreams can represent a sense of companionship, protection, and guidance. Expřítel can also represent a need for support and understanding.

Symbolism of Expřítel in Snář

In Snář, Machek further elaborates on the symbolism of expřítel in dreams. He suggests that dreaming of an expřítel can be a sign of positive change in the dreamer’s life. It can be a sign of renewed hope and faith in the future. It can also be a sign of a positive relationship with someone who is close to the dreamer.


Dreaming of an expřítel can be a powerful symbol of hope, guidance, and companionship in the Czech language. According to Machek’s interpretations in both Symbolika Snu and Snář, dreaming of an expřítel can be a sign of positive change and renewed faith in the future. Understanding the symbolism of expřítel in dreams can help the dreamer interpret their own dreams and gain insight into their lives.

Common Myths about Symbolika Snu

H2: Časté mýty o Symbolice Snu

Často Kladené Otázky

What is snář expřítel?

Snář expřítel is a Czech dream dictionary that provides an interpretative analysis of dreams and their symbolic meanings. It is based on the traditional knowledge of the Slavic people and is used to interpret dreams and their hidden meanings.

What is symbolika snu in Czech language?

Symbolika snu is a term used in Czech to describe the symbolic meaning of dreams. It is based on the traditional knowledge of the Slavic people and is used to interpret dreams and their hidden meanings. It is closely related to snář expřítel, the Czech dream dictionary.


. Snář and Symbolika Snu are 18th century dream books written by Catholic priest Václav Machek. Expřítel is a Czech word for “friend” or “companion.” Machek suggests that dreaming of an expřítel can represent a sense of companionship, protection, and guidance. It can also represent a need for support and understanding, and can be a sign of positive change in the dreamer’s life. Understanding the symbolism of expřítel in dreams can help the dreamer interpret their own dreams and gain insight into their lives.

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