Snář:bude sněžit| Symbolika Snu

  • Date: 16 února, 2023
  • Čas K Přečtení: 3 min.

Snář je tradiční český snový slovník, který vznikl jako výsledek sbírání pozorování a zkušeností lidí z různých kulturních a náboženských prostředí. Snář je založen na starém příběhu o symbolech snu, který pochází z pohanského období dávných českých dějin. Tento příběh je založen na víře, že každý sen, který člověk zažije, je nějakým způsobem propojen s jeho minulostí, přítomností a budoucností. Každý sen je spojen s určitým symbolem, který může prozradit klíč k porozumění. Snář umožňuje čtenáři interpretovat tyto symboly a odhalit jeho skrytý význam.

The Mysticism of Czech Dream Symbolism

Dreams have always been a source of mystery and fascination. In many cultures, dreams are seen as a means of divination, a way to gain insight into the future and to uncover hidden knowledge. In Czech culture, there is a particular way of interpreting dreams known as ‘Snář’, or dream symbolism. This ancient practice has been used for centuries to help people make sense of their dreams and gain insight into their lives.

What is Snář?

Snář is a Czech term which literally translates to ‘dream book’. It is a collection of symbols and their associated meanings which are used to interpret the meaning of dreams. This dream symbolism is based on a variety of sources, including folklore, mythology, astrology, numerology and psychology. The interpretation of each symbol is based on the context in which it appears in the dream.

Symbols and Their Meanings

There are many symbols which are commonly used in Snář to interpret dreams. Common symbols include animals, plants, objects, numbers, colors and words. Each symbol has an associated meaning which can provide insight into the dreamer’s life and their future. For example, a dream of an eagle may represent strength and courage, while a dream of a snake may represent transformation and rebirth. In addition to the symbols, the dreamer’s emotions and reactions can also provide insight into the dream’s meaning.

Interpreting Dreams

Interpreting dreams with Snář is a complex process which requires skill and experience. In order to accurately interpret a dream, the dreamer must first identify the symbols which appear in the dream and their associated meanings. Next, the dreamer must consider the context in which the symbols appear and the emotions they evoke. Finally, the dreamer must draw on their own personal experiences and insights to make sense of the dream’s overall meaning.

Cultural Significance

In Czech culture, Snář is deeply embedded in the national identity. It is used as a way to understand the mysterious and magical aspects of life, and to gain insight into the future. It is also used to understand the spiritual realm and to connect with the divine. In times of uncertainty and confusion, Snář can provide solace and comfort to those who believe in its power.


Snář is an ancient practice which has been used for centuries in Czech culture to interpret dreams and gain insight into the future. It is based on a variety of symbols and their associated meanings, as well as the context and emotions evoked by the dream. It is a powerful tool which can provide comfort and guidance to those who believe in its power.

Mýty o Snáři

1. Snář je jen výmyslem: Tento mýtus je naprosto mylný. Snář je starověká metoda interpretace snů, která je v některých kulturách stále živá.

2. Snář je jednotný: Tento mýtus je mylný, protože existují mnohé varianty symboliky snů. Každá kultura má své vlastní symboly a mnohé symboly se mohou lišit mezi jednotlivými regiony.

3. Snář je vědecký: Tento mýtus je mylný, protože Snář je založen na symbolice snů, která je založena na předpokladech, tradicích a dohadování. Nejsou k dispozici žádné vědecké důkazy podporující interpretaci snů.

Často Kladené Otázky

What is snář?

Snář is a book of dreams in the Czech language. It is a collection of symbols and interpretations of dreams and their meanings.

What does “bude sněžit” mean in Czech?

“Bude sněžit” translates to “it will snow” in English.



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